

To my readers.

The past few months that I've had this site have just been a bit of a practice to figure out whereI am going with this project of mine. Now that my class is over and I'm not entirely required to keep this up. Keeping a schedule is the recommendation that my teacher gave me. Well, as you know I'm a bit of a music nerd. I don't have much of a solid preference. I love all music. I want to show you all the magic and creativity of musicians still playing today. What I hope you will get from reading my blog is a greater appreciation for all of the music out there. There is creativity in every genre and though you might not like that particular type of music, hopefully you'll be able to appreciate it.
My plan is to post a well established artist every monday. I will tell you about their past, their style, and what they are doing now. Likewise, every Thursday I will post a new artist thats trying to get on the scene. And every other two weeks I will switch off between reviewing a show that I've been to and talking about things in the industry that I've learned about.
Hopefully you are able to grasp from these posts, learn what I've learned and together we'll broaden what we know about the modern music industry.

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